Generosity is a natural side effect of following Jesus.
God’s generosity is evident and exemplary in Scripture, and it should influence our lives too. We are called to emulate Him, and as we let His word shape our lives, generosity becomes a natural byproduct.
Contrary to popular belief, generosity is not a trait reserved for the affluent. In the Bible, there is an account where Jesus observes an underprivileged woman and wealthy individuals giving their offerings. He notes that the woman’s contribution, although meager, held greater value than the wealthy individuals’ gifts as she gave all she had to live on.
As believers, we realize the abundance of grace we have received from God and respond by being generous with our time, love, and finances. We recognize the sacrificial giving of Christ, our Savior, and willingly lay down our possessions as an expression of love and gratitude.
What’s the deal with tithing?
Tithe simply means “tenth”. When we talk about giving a tithe we mean giving a tenth of what you earn. In scripture, we see God’s people giving a tithe or a “tenth” of their harvests or livestock. Now, followers of Jesus practice this same principle, by giving 10% of each paycheck they earn to their local church.
Why tithe? Well, money has a tight grip on our hearts. Matthew 6:21 says, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Meaning, whatever has your money, has your heart. So, when we receive a paycheck we practice surrendering our finances to God by giving 10% of that paycheck to Him. Weekly, biweekly, or whenever we receive money, we can practice giving Him our heart by giving a tithe.